The Puzzle Is Real


Matt & Melissa Pisani Season 1 Episode 50

Join Matt & Melissa for this "Family, Faith & Relationship" combo episode discussing what it means to seek God first and be in alignment with His plan for our lives. 

@ puzzleisreal

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Puzzle is Real podcast where we will be discussing Faith, family, and Relationships hosted by Matt and Melissa Paani . This is The Puzzle is Real podcast when you know, you know

Speaker 2:

Yoyo Yoyo. Hey, back in the Place.

Speaker 3:

How you doing?

Speaker 2:

We Are Family. I got All My Sisters and Me <laugh> album drop in 2028.

Speaker 3:

Yo , you Wild,

Speaker 2:

Melissa and Mateo , the r and b gospel, reggae, hip hop experience.

Speaker 3:

<laugh>, not

Speaker 2:

Quite, I don't think anyone will stream it, but hey <laugh> ,

Speaker 3:

It'll be fun.

Speaker 2:

It'll be fun to make. It's, it'll end up being a comedy album.

Speaker 3:

What are we even talking about right now?

Speaker 2:

I think that we are out of alignment.

Speaker 3:

Hmm . How do we get in alignment?

Speaker 2:

Well, you don't have to just go to a , a chiropractor, you know?

Speaker 3:

No, that does help at times. <laugh> .

Speaker 2:

Yes. Shout out to the chiropractors. Um, yeah, so we are gonna talk today about family, faith, relationships all in one . We're just giving thankful praise and gratitude and just all types of declarations of , um, just God's goodness, right? Like, have you ever came out of something that was totally out of whack and it could even be like you're life and then God starts to realign things and you're like, whoa. Like how did I get to this point? So we just wanted to encourage everyone today with some practical ways to get realigned. You know , in New Year it's time for us to sometimes take inventory. And I'm not just talking about a gym membership and a yo-yo diet, but actually saying like, all right , if I seek God first on all that he has for me, what would that look like in a couple of years from now, a few months from now? And hey, this is for everyone, including ourselves. Like we want to be realigned at times. 'cause distractions come so fast, they're just constantly in our face. So how do we do that?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean, I think it's just a daily choice, right? Every single day to seek first the kingdom of God and to say, okay, yes, I wanna figure out my purpose. Yes, I wanna figure out my calling. But I also think it's very freeing to know that if you're doing God's will every single day for your life, that all of that is just going to come with it. That you're not gonna have to figure it out. That you're gonna say, God, what do you want me to do today? And you know, I've seen that in my life. I know Matt has seen that in his life where you're just actively seeking his face and what we think our end goal is supposed to be. Sometimes God will shut that down and redirect you and be like, no, this is what I want you to do. So as you're aligned with him, as you're in tune with him, I think certain things just start to get revealed to you and you're like, oh man. And then when you're in his will and you're in his purpose, it's easy. Yeah. You're not fighting all this friction and, you know, trying to open the doors that are already closed because it's like, this is not God's will for you. Right?

Speaker 2:

Yeah. We have a couple of testimonies that we're gonna share and even some things that we'll just touch on, but the biggest thing that I wanted to just open up with tonight, today, this morning, is that there are huge breakthroughs waiting for us if we're willing to seek him first. And I think that that's so important nowadays when our phone is attached to us every day . And from apps to favorite social media platforms, you can easily get lost in the sauce. You could literally lose the opportunity to be in his will, and then you miss being aligned with all the things he has for you. It could be as simple as our story. When we were looking for each other, we were trying to meet our soulmate, we were trying to meet our husband and wife, right? Melissa was looking for a husband. I was looking for a wife, <laugh> , or one flesh, so I could say it that way. Clarify , holler at your boy. And when we stopped looking and started seeking, it happened really, really quick. Yeah. So how many people can witness and , and even testify that that's happened to them in some way, shape or form? God shows up really fast, sometimes like faster than we expect, but we also have to be prepared for promotion and prepared for those opportunities. And that's another part of being aligned. It's it's being a good steward of what you're already entrusted with. And that can be applied to your finances. It could be applied to your profession or your studies. It could be applied to your relationships with people. We look at some of the relationships that we have built within our Charleston community in South Carolina, and it's really powerful. Uh , it's, it's not by mistake and even friendships that we've built nationwide, you know, one of our prayers was that we wanted to find people that would be running the same race as us. And yeah . And we've found those people and, and they're , they're nationwide. And that was something that I felt the Lord put on my heart a while ago. As I told Melissa, I said, Hey, I think we're gonna have friends around the country that are doing the same stuff as us. And yeah , we're just gonna have these deep bonds with them. And , and those things have happened, and those have happened for us through the years, but we're seeing God's faithfulness as we continue to seek him. It's really special. So we wanna impart that into our listeners and to our friends and family that listen to puzzles real , that that's for you too. There's nothing special about Matt, Matt and Melissa. There's nothing that we're doing that you can't be doing for the kingdom and that you can be doing well. And with excellence and with joy. It's, it's about serving. It's about loving on people. And the only way to foster that and to allow that to just be saturated in your whole being is to be with the father, to, to spend time with him.

Speaker 3:

And I think another thing that we also have to really be , um, sitting in the space of just gratitude is whatever season you're in is just to thank , thank the Lord. mm-Hmm . And just be grateful because you're in a place that you probably prayed for or that you're praying through or you're praying out of whatever. But just thanking God. I feel like it's so important not only to just have a grateful heart, but just to remember where he's brought you out of and where he's going to bring you next. I think that's just been on my heart a lot, is just being like, man, thank you so much for the life that you've given us. And 'cause there were so many lonely nights where I'm like, am I ever gonna get married? Am I ever gonna have kids? Am I ever gonna do anything with my life? And I feel like those were just lies from the enemy. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> . And as soon as I laid things down and said, all right , I'm totally committed, ready to surrender everything, every part of my life to you, Lord, whatever it takes, these are the things that I want. And as soon as I did that, it was like rapid, like everything in my life just started fitting together. And that's why, you know, we call this the puzzle is real, right? Because the puzzle just started fitting together. And then even my heart's desires before I met Matt and his heart's desires before he met me. It just was, we were supposed to do this together, right ? And that's why the Lord was just preparing us before , um, to get to this point. So whatever season you're in, whether it be a hard murky season, just be grateful that the Lord is with you. He's for you and he's going to bring you through it. And if you're in a joyful season, just to thank him for all the blessings that you have and to commune with him on a daily basis and just to recommit yourself to him every single day and to make this your not yo-yo diet, like so many people start the year off that this is a lifelong forever commitment to our creator. And it's exciting. And like Matt's saying, like we've been praying for specific things and as we're seeing them unfold lately, I've just been saying like, man, how did we get so blessed in so many areas? And it's not that we have a perfect life, right? It's just that we have so many blessings that we are aware of and that we thank God for. And I felt like the Lord just told me it's because you put me first. And I just , that's good. I heard that loud and clear. And so that's our just kind of encouragement for you guys too, to say as you put the Lord first and as you seek his kingdom first, all the things are going to be handed to you. And um,

Speaker 2:

That's our impartation for you. And, and just , um, be encouraged that as time progresses, God is gonna do something special in each of your lives. And don't be discouraged if it's not happening overnight, because I truly believe that there's a pruning process that is happening in order for you to be realigned with who he's called you to serve with, who he's called you to do life with, and build a really powerful community around you to do his will. So we love you guys and we hope this is just a, a nice encouragement as we go into the new year. And that verse that we are referring to for everyone is Matthew 6 33. So just remember that verse, but seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well. Peace.

Speaker 1:

See you soon. Hey guys, thanks so much for listening to the Puzzle Is Real podcast. Please subscribe today and share with a friend. See you soon.