The Puzzle Is Real

A Joyful Heritage

Matt & Melissa Pisani Season 1 Episode 37

Join Matt and Melissa Pisani as they discuss the joy of having their third child. Be encouraged with this intentional conversation about Melissa's pregnancy and birthing experience.


Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Puzzle is Real podcast where we will be discussing faith, family, and relationships hosted by Matt and Melissa Pisani. This is The Puzzle is Real podcast when you know, you know.

Speaker 2:

All right, we're back. Hey.

Speaker 3:

Yay. We are back. We have a really awesome episode. Personal, but also encouraging for all you ladies. Where my lady's

Speaker 2:

At, yo. This is family faith relationship combo. This is that value meal with the wpa, the cheese and the onion ring on top. Mm.

Speaker 3:

And where my MA's at all you ladies who have babies and well men too, but

Speaker 2:

No men don't have babies.

Speaker 3:

Men don't

Speaker 2:

Have babies. Don't get it twisted.

Speaker 3:

But you know what I'm saying. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Women go through the experience of having a child. Men are just there for support.

Speaker 2:

Mentally tiring.

Speaker 3:

So we would like to share the amazing news. We have a daughter, we had our third child right before Christmas and we did not know the gender. We waited until he or she was gonna be born. And we were so surprised and so excited because I'm wrong every time. We have not found out the gender on any of our kids. This is our number three. And I was wrong each time<laugh>. And this time I was true. I was wrong. That's true. I was like, it's a boy. It's a boy. It's a boy. Up until the last two weeks. And I was like, maybe it's a girl. And guys, we had a girl. This is Magnolia Joy. Yeah. She is here. She's sitting with me right now. This little sleeping girl.

Speaker 2:

This is the precious beauty end. This is her second podcast episode. Attending

Speaker 3:

It is. And she was born December 21st, 7:47 AM She was nine pounds, five ounces, 21 and a half inches long. Beautiful, healthy, sweet, sweet little girl. And it's just amazing. I can't believe that we uh, have three children now. It's just, it's still blowing my mind.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's pretty surreal. Especially cuz we had the boy and the girl and we thought we were done. Yes. So this was a great surprise and what a joy it was to go through it just all over again. It was so cool. It

Speaker 3:

Really was. And it's just really cool because I've always had this, um, I don't know, I guess this love for the South and I always had this like dream of being a southern bell, but I knew I couldn't be because I was not born in the south. So now Magnolia was born in the south. She's our little southern bell. And now Mercy will be too because you know, she's gonna pretty much grow up her whole life down here. But it's just so sweet and um, we're just really enjoying the season. And Mercy and Malachi are so excited to be a big sister, big brother. And um, yeah, obviously women, I'm talking to you now. It's not always easy getting them into this world, but we know that God just redeems all of that and just gives you such great joy, um, when you see that beautiful child.

Speaker 2:

So how are you feeling? Like what's this whole process been for you, like beginning to end? I know a lot of people don't know all your birthing stories, but I know you've shared them in different episodes in the past. But like for some people that might be curious, you know, having a third child, a third cesarean c-section as it is known mm-hmm.<affirmative> give us some of that. Like I'm really curious to hear some of your like

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Experience there. So

Speaker 3:

I'll just run through the three, I guess pregnancies and I guess births so quickly. Mercy, great pregnancy, went into labor. I was a week late, was in labor for like 48 hours. I pushed for five hours. She couldn't come out. She was stuck. Ended up having an emergency C-section. She came out that was that um, you know, you only have one child so it was pretty easy to recover for the most part. And yeah, so that was good. But it was very traumatic going through the labor, going through everything and then having to have a C-section. So Malachi, we opted for a C-section just because I still had like PTSD from going through everything I did with Mercy. So I was like, you know what, I don't even wanna have to end up in a c-section after all that work, so let's just have a C-section. But Malachi was born high to the pandemic, very intense time. Um, we were living in New York. Mm. And that was very hard recovery cuz we were not able to have help. No one was allowed in the house. You know, everything shut down. Matt ended up pulling out his back right after he was born. So now I'm taking care of a newborn and mercy. So that was really hard. And so I feel like Magnolia was like the redemption of those hard experiences cuz I ended up having a really good pregnancy besides one little thing. Um, in the beginning, I guess at my 1820 week anatomy scan where they just checked the heart and the lungs and the brain and all, you know, the ma major organs, they had noticed that my placenta was low. So they put me on high alert and they basically told me all the worst case scenarios where I could die. I could end up in a, um, with a hysterectomy with all these horrible things. So I had so much fear, um, I think for several weeks where I was just unsure what was gonna happen. Cause if this placenta didn't move, I could have a big problem. So I just kept praying and praying and praying. And I remember there was one day I was in the shower and I've shared this, you know, with close family and friends, but now I'll share with you guys. I was in the shower and I was just praying. I'm like, Lord, just move this placenta. Like, just let this not be an issue. And I remember like drying myself off and we have glass shower doors in our shower and um, the way that the towel hit the glass, it looked like the shape of a mountain. And I remember God saying loud loudly, like so clear said, if I can move mountains, don't you think I've already moved your placenta? And I literally just started like crying and just knowing everything was gonna be okay because this was just, this was crippling me for several weeks. Mm-hmm.<affirmative> like I was, I was crippled by it. Cause I'm like, oh my gosh. Like I, you know, you pray for a healthy child and you pray for, you know, just the baby, but you don't think about yourself because you know, you think you're okay. But then the doctors tell you one thing and, but you know what? God has the final say and he's the one who is in control. So that was just a, a very, that was a teachable moment for me. And I, you know, I just declared to the enemy. I said, you know what, you have no, you're not gonna take the joy away from this pregnancy, this birth. And I just remember having just a different train of thought once God just gave me that peace. So then I went through the rest of my pregnancy and thank God at 25 weeks I went for another, um, another scan and the placenta was moved and there was no issue. And we just gave all the glory to God because that was just, you know, although I knew it, it was just the, I guess the affirmation of knowing mm-hmm.<affirmative> that things are on the up and up. So then now I'm scheduled to have a C-section with Magnolia for December 21st. And we go in and this was just a way better experience. My doctor was amazing. Um, everything went according to plan. She was born, she was healthy. Only thing was after<laugh> I got very sick. Oh yeah. Um, I remember I was in the recovery room and all you ladies who have had c-sections, everyone has different experience, but sometimes the anesthesia from the epidural will mess with you. And I got very sick with Malachi after I had him and then now with Magnolia. And I was so fearful going into it cause I was like, I just do not wanna get sick after I have the baby. So sure enough they're wheeling me out from the recovery room into I guess our room where we're gonna be staying and they stop right in front of like the desk where all the nurses are and they're like, congratulations. And I'm like, oh my gosh, hold on. I'm about to throw up<laugh>. Yeah, it came so bad. It was so bad. But once that was over I was able to just enjoy this sweet little girl and got to introduce her to my mom who was here and Mercy and Malachi and got to share that it was a baby sister. So, um, and then the healing process was much better this time than it was the last two times. So I really feel like this was totally the redemption Yeah. Of the last two experiences. And thankfully I had help because Matt and my mom were here and they took care of the kids and the house and I was able to, to just sit on the couch with little sweet Magnolia and um, and heal, which was, which was great.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. I think the support of having people to allow you to just rest is huge for any mother out there that has that opportunity, man. Oh yeah. That's a home run cuz Yeah. It's such a difference. I saw. And even just like the stress-free idea of knowing you don't have to worry about the kids, you know, trying to, you know, jump on you or pick me up or, you know, you had Yes. Like a buffer between your mom and I and just, um, a lot of things. So I feel like, yeah. And, and you know, we know that these things can easily go south sometimes when you're going through this. Right. Anything could happen. But I just wanna thank everybody for praying for us during this time. Yes. There were a lot of people, I'm talking like probably I would think at least a hundred or so people that probably were praying Oh yeah. Intentionally. I'm sure more people were praying and you know, but some people really warn for us that, um, this would go smooth in every, uh, aspect from the doctors, the surgeons and, and just the post stuff and, and just so cool to see how God covered us in prayer. Yep. Everything was so peaceful. And, um, and just the, the fruit of this, you know, is, is powerful for other moms and dads out there. And the verse that we put on our, um, card, our a card for Magnolia to just a little bit of an announcement Oh

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

That we had created for some people that wanted to know. And, um, just a, a way for people to know a little bit about just what had been going on. Cuz you know, not everyone gets the updates through social media and whatnot. So the verse was, uh, Psalm 1 27, 3, behold children are a heritage of the Lord. And, and that's a really important part of this episode that we just wanted to focus on was that man, children are such a blessing. And if you're on the fence about someday having kids or you're a young married couple and you're like, I don't know, we're supposed to have it, don't allow the enemy to throw any fear or uncertainty or even just, um, maybe like worry about, oh, what would this look like? Cuz we've had such a great adventure doing this. And I feel like this one was the most fun because I think it was unexpected and we've already been through it, so it was almost like been here before. We know kind of how some of these things turn out. And since we had such crazy experiences doing it, like this was just such a great way to, um, I think culminate our family to get to a point now where we're we feel complete. You know, the Fab Five. Yep. And, um,

Speaker 3:

The five

Speaker 2:

Msms, the five msms. And then, uh, of course shout out to Nala, the four-legged one. And of course, you know, you have like that dynamic and you look and say, man, like this is really, really cool now to watch Mercy, Malachi and Magnolia grow up together, the m and m minis and, and they're the heritage, they're the future. And, um, they're a legacy for the Lord. So we just really hope that this encourages everybody just to know, even again, been a little silent out there. We've been a little busy now, you know, why<laugh>. But we are really excited about this year of sharing things that God has put on our heart with you through these podcasts. And just feel free to, uh, reach out to us. Let us know if this episode has ministered to you or touched you or inspired you or even, um, if you have any questions for Melissa as a, uh, a mom or a mom to be. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

There's, you know, so many things that you envision and think about prior to getting married and having kids. And you have this idea of what it's gonna look like and how it's gonna go. And let me tell you, none of it went the way that I thought it was gonna go. I, it really didn't, you know, everyone was like, oh, you're gonna have the easiest, you know, deliveries the way that your hips are. I mean, my doctors were telling me that and I had horrible experiences and you know, when I tell people about the things that I went through, they were like, wow. But I wanna encourage you moms who have either been through it or who are going through it, or who are going to go through it, that just have faith and trust God that he's gonna work out all the details and that the end result is the most important. Like, we sometimes have to go through a battle to get to the fruit of what he wants to just grow in us from that experience. And I've learned so much, you know, from even like nursing, some women have the easiest experience, some people have a hard experience. I've had a mix of both. So, you know, with Mercy, very easy. Malachi a little challenging. Magnolia is a little challenging, but you know, you work through it. And I just wanna encourage you moms that you are amazing. You're doing the best that you can. You were given that child, or going to be given that child, um, for a reason. And that just enjoy the process and don't get stressed and you know that you are doing the very best that you can and you can't beat yourself up over, you know, the woulda, shoulda, coulda or whatever that is. So thank you guys for listening. Um, would love to share more details, but I don't wanna<laugh> gross people out or whatever,<laugh>. But that's the, that's the highlights and the most important part is that we have our third little child and I am feeling much better now. We are, she will be six weeks, um, tomorrow actually. And, uh, so thankful for this sweet little girl and that just God, um, has given us this child.

Speaker 2:

Last but not least, the name.

Speaker 3:

Oh, yes. So the name Magnolia. This is really interesting actually. It's a good one. So when we were pregnant with Malachi, we didn't know if it, it was a boy or girl and we kept thinking of, you know, boy and girl names. And the girl name that we came up with for some reason was Magnolia. And this was still living in New York, didn't have any, I idea that we were gonna be moving to South Carolina and

Speaker 2:

Wasn't even on the radar.

Speaker 3:

Wasn't on the radar at all. This was, you know, 2019 going into 2020. And you know, Magnolia trees are huge down here. I mean, they're everywhere, right? So we had thought that we were gonna name Malachi Magnolia if he was a girl. So obviously he was a boy. So then now we're pregnant with Magnolia and we're thinking of names and we're like, we have to stick with Magnolia because now we're in the south. I mean, it's so southern, it's beautiful, and just the meaning is really cool. Um, I mean there's several different meanings. Obviously it's the beautiful flower from the magnolia tree that, um, is like that big white flower. And, but it also means, oh, I think Matt has the definition.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there's, there's like a couple of definitions that we had looked at when we were like, all right, like, you know, he was looking for some type of symbolism with these things or some type of reason, a deeper reason than just like

Speaker 3:

A flower

Speaker 2:

Name or flower, right. You know, like literally, you know, like, oh, that's no, again, another one. I don't wanna offend anyone by saying that cuz you know, some people are just like, Hey, this was a cool name, that's it, done. But with this we really were like, wow, Magnolia trees symbolize stability. They also symbolize luck. I don't really believe in luck. I think that that's kind of just a, a thing that you say as a generic term in, but stability is something that we all could need and, and even rely on at times through the Lord is stability. And just, again, the southern staple of the tree is pretty powerful. And it's just, um, so important that, you know, when we are looking at things through the lens of, um, you know, blessing our children, you really wanna like bless them before they're born. And not just prayer and, and words of affirmation, but literally the name. What is the name that you're gonna give this child and, and what is God speaking to you about with this child? You know, one of the other definitions that we had seen with Magnolia was, um, nobility. That was another, you know, area where

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think there was another one that was deep-rooted, pure, um, yeah, it had several different

Speaker 2:

Security, perfection. I mean, there were just a lot of different

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

You know, um, even the, uh, the cool one that I found recently was that pink magnolia flowers, right, are, are defined as youth innocence and joy. Mm-hmm.<affirmative> and, you know, so again, health, there's a lot of different things that, um, positive things that we thought, wow, this is, this is unique. And again, we are, um, we're just excited to see how God took something from a symbolic, maybe even prophetic moment in New York of the name from even when we had gotten the magnolia plant that Melissa's aunt and uncle gave us years ago. Yeah. Yeah. That, um, unfortunately I didn't plant properly<laugh> and uh, it didn't work out, but just that here we are, where we're called to be and um, you know, God was, you know, just confirming this name and, and just the things that are gonna tie into it over her

Speaker 3:

Life. Well, and it's so cool, like when I share this story, because now I think about it, I'm like, man, God was already setting us up for coming down here and gave us that name when we were still in New York, that it didn't, it wouldn't make sense until we moved down here. Right? So it was just so cool how God's always, you know, 20 steps ahead of us and then when we finally catch up, we look back and we're like, whoa. He was there back then, you know, preparing us for this next phase and this next season. So I hope that just encourages you guys too, to say, you know, wow. And you look back on your life and you see all the signs that we're leading you to where you are right now. Like stop looking ahead and saying, oh, I can't wait until this year and I can't wait till this. It's like, look at where you are because where you are is what you've been praying for five years ago, right? So to be present in that situation and that phase, and not to get ahead of what God is already ordaining for your life. So that's what I got for

Speaker 2:

You. Good word.

Speaker 3:

<laugh>. Preach sister. Just kidding. Keep going. But um, no, we love you guys and we thank you for listening. Please share with a friend. We wanna encourage as many people as possible and, um, you know, we're excited to keep doing what we do.

Speaker 2:

We will see you soon. Yes.[inaudible]

Speaker 1:

Talk soon. Hey guys, thanks so much for listening to the Puzzle Israel podcast. Please subscribe today and share with a friend. See you soon.