The Puzzle Is Real

Brussel Sprouts or Mushrooms?

Matt & Melissa Pisani Season 1 Episode 28

Do you prefer mushrooms or brussel sprouts? What is Matthew McConaughey's best film?
Join Melissa on this fun episode, as she asks Matt the deeper questions in life!


Speaker 1:

Welcome to the puzzle is real podcast where we will be discussing faith, family, and relationships hosted by Matt and Melissa Pisani. This is the puzzle is real podcast. When you know, you know, Right here, we are welcome. Once again,

Speaker 2:

Meet again.

Speaker 1:

And we have a fun one for you guys.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I don't know if you listen to the episode and if you have not, please go back and listen to pickup or minivan. I think that's what it was called. Right?

Speaker 2:

I believe it was minivan or pickup truck.

Speaker 1:

Okay. Minivan or pickup truck. So

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

This is so listen to that one. This is that one's funny. This is part two. This is me asking questions and interviewing Matt Mateo. But anyway, welcome back to the puzzle is real. This is another episode for you guys. Please share like subscribe, follow us on Instagram. We don't have a huge following there yet. We're not super active, but we are getting more active. Um, we would love to EEE you and yeah.

Speaker 2:

Hope. Can I just, can I just interrupt you and be rude? Sure. Go ahead. I'm just gonna be rude for a second. Yeah,

Speaker 1:

Go ahead. Whatever

Speaker 2:

Cop the Nala bulldog book

Speaker 1:

Guys. Get the

Speaker 2:

Book. Nala, the That's all you gotta know. NA ALA the just had to plug it. Sorry.

Speaker 1:

No, please do. That would be great. Okay. Let's get to it. So I have a few questions for you for me. Dun dun dun. First question is what is your least favorite house? Husband, chore,

Speaker 2:

Least favorite house husband chore. So let's just tell people that how house husband is my nickname. Yes. Sorry.

Speaker 1:

When I'm

Speaker 2:

Disgruntled house husband person,

Speaker 1:

When he's huffing and puffing,

Speaker 2:

I would say my least favorite house husband tour,

Speaker 1:

Tour tour.

Speaker 2:

It's a tour

Speaker 1:

To tour. It's

Speaker 2:

A tour Cleaning the bathroom.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay. Well you were lucky I did that for you this week. Um, okay. If you could only have one type of candy, what would it be now? You don't have to gimme one specific one. Is it gonna be a gummy type candy or a chocolate type candy

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Wow. I knew that one. Okay. Your best Southern food. You've had down here in Charleston.

Speaker 2:

Oh man. There's so many treasures down here. So delicious. So little time. Continue to have to exercise.

Speaker 1:

What's been the best thing. It could be a side. It could be a main dish.

Speaker 2:

I would say, as of right now, I've been extremely impressed with any and all to chicken and waffles.

Speaker 1:

Mm that's a yummy one. Tasty. If you never had it, guys, you gotta try it. Sweet and savory. Delicious. Okay. This is a funny one. Brussel sprouts or mushrooms. Oh, he doesn't like either one. I know

Speaker 2:

The smell of the Brussels. Make me wanna bar.

Speaker 1:

I love them.

Speaker 2:

Sorry, everybody. For those of you that love the Brussels

Speaker 1:

Long live, the Brussels.

Speaker 2:

Melissa tries to sell me on them. If, if I would have some type of sauce on them or like they're

Speaker 1:

So good. I did not like them sauce. Yes they, so

Speaker 2:

What's the one sauce that you tried to like, uh,

Speaker 1:

Like a Thai Chi?

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Like a Thai test. Just Thai Chile on there. I love it. I would do the mushrooms. Oh

Speaker 1:

Really? That's like a texture thing. I'm surprised.

Speaker 2:

Yep. I would just swallow it and hold my nose.

Speaker 1:

All right. Um, what do you love most about being a dad?

Speaker 2:

I love being a dad because I just love watching these beautiful, precious little people, just, um, with their innocence and their discovering moments, just, uh, watching them become who they're called to be as children of God. So I just love just the, the progress and the journey that they're both on and just being able to observe it it and watch their little mannerism. So I just love being present. That's the best part about being a dad is being present and being able to watch these little mini M and MSS just rock this world.

Speaker 1:

They're so cute. Love my kiddos, our kiddos.

Speaker 2:

I dunno if that answered it. I just kind of just said I don't, I guess I

Speaker 1:

Know I, yeah, you kind of did. That's the best thing is watching them and being there. Yes.

Speaker 2:

Being in there, being in their world.

Speaker 1:

Um, okay. Last and final question. What was Matthew McConaughey's best movie. Random.

Speaker 2:

All right. There's so many good Matthew McConaughey movies. Shout out to my man with the best car commercials ever. And also some of the best sport movies he's done. He's just, he's a man of all trades and I don't just love him cuz he has the same name as me, Matthew, but the best movie that I believe he has done year to date since inception of the Matthew McConaughey brand sing two.

Speaker 1:

You're definitely a dad. That was good though. It was good. All

Speaker 2:

Right. Dream big dreams,

Speaker 1:

Dream big dreams. Haven't seen it. We're plugging the movie. Sing too. Go see it. You'll dance in your seat. Like I did the whole time. It was fun. We had such a great time and that was actually the first movie we took the kids to. Um, they never went to a theater and this was their first experience, popcorn and everything. It was so sweet.

Speaker 2:

Shout out, play Callaway.

Speaker 1:

All right. Well thank you. We just had a little fun with you guys. Sometimes we like to lighten it up, but um, we'll be back next episode with uh, some new material.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. We love you guys. Thanks for tuning in and Hey, if you get a chance, share it with your friends and family. We just can't wait to see how people give us those praise reports and feedback. We wanna hear feedback please of how these episodes are encouraging you and challenging you.

Speaker 1:

All right. We'll see you guys soon. See you. Bye. Hey guys. Thanks so much for listening to the puzzle's real podcast. Please subscribe today and share with the friend. See you soon.