The Puzzle Is Real

Just GO!

Matt & Melissa Pisani Season 1 Episode 27

What happens when God prompts you to leave your comfort zone and move on to the next city, town or state? You GO! Join Matt & Melissa Pisani as they discuss following God's direction into a new mission field and new season of life.


Speaker 1:

Welcome to the puzzle is real podcast where we will be discussing faith, family, and relationships hosted by Matt and Melissa Pisani. This is the puzzle is real podcast when you know, you know,

Speaker 2:

All right. All right, welcome back.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back. You guys. Puzzle is real. We are back. We are ready to dive into something that we've been wanting to tell you guys,

Speaker 2:

Where have you been?

Speaker 1:

Where have we been? What have we been doing? Well, first of all, we just wanna say, thanks for tuning in. And we know it's been a hot minute, but that is for a reason. We had some big life. I moments changes and, um, milestones, shall we say,

Speaker 2:

Can I ask everyone where they've been?

Speaker 1:

Yeah. What have you guys been doing? What

Speaker 2:

Have you guys been doing? It's 20, 22. What? Happy new year, everybody. We're very relaxed cuz we've had a strenuous and exciting adventure to share with everyone. You probably sort on our Instagram page, um, smaller following there, but we're okay with that. It's

Speaker 1:

An organic, we're getting, we're getting there.

Speaker 2:

The it's a, um, plant based growth right now. Plant based.

Speaker 1:

It's organic, it's vegan.

Speaker 2:

It's non GMO SEO, non SEO.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, you guys have probably seen our posts that we moved. We are no longer New York residents. Although New York will always have a special place in our heart. Um, we are now southerners. We are down in Charleston, south Atlanta, yeha, even though it's really not that country down here,

Speaker 2:

Yeha might be more Texas, but yeah, yeah, we are. We're in the south, everybody and we love it, but we're also excited that where, where God wants us to be. So we just wanted to give you an update in tonight's episode is just about going, you know, just saying, Hey, like I, I have this purposeful feeling that God has prompted me to do something for all those believers out there, those that are still seeking and searching on that spiritual journey, you might just be feeling some promptings like, oh wow. I feel like I'm supposed to make a change or I'm feeling like I have to take an action step. So that's what tonight's episode today, this morning, you know, all those times that you might be listening to this, that's what it's all about. Just going and, um, it's humility. And I think even just swallowing pride and, and removing fear, that's what we've learned through all this fear is a liar.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. And I mean, it says it in the Bible 365 times, right. And there 365 days in the year, every single day do not fear. That's one reminder that we all have to remember is we're not supposed to be fearful. We're supposed to be trusting, right? Because we are trusting our creator, trusting the one who already set out what we're our mission is. And we just have to go when God says, go, you go. So that's kind of the theme of tonight. And you know, everyone has their experiences through the pandemic and just our world and everything that's been happening. And I think so much has happened throughout that and open our eyes and changed our of perspectives. Mm. And one of the things that came out of that was church on the lawn too. Yes. You know, before the pandemic ha pandemic happened. I remember feeling this like churning in my soul was just like church needs to look different. Like we can't just be going into the buildings and sitting there on Sunday and leaving and not being the same person's Sunday that you were Monday. Um, and just, we need to get back to that human contact, that connection the community. So when the pandemic happened, we were like, okay, this is our opportunity to make church be different because churches were closed. Yep. So this was our opportunity to just kind of do what God placed in our heart. So when he said, go, go, we didn't have the tools. We didn't have anything, but you know, equipped us. We had a house that we were blessed with, that we worked hard for, but God gave us that house. And we said, you know what? We have a front lawn. Let's do church there. So that was one thing. And then the next thing that was put on our heart was to go, like, we were supposed to physically move out of New York to go to our next mission field. And he had brought us down to Charleston, South Carolina. I have never been to South Carolina before we decided that we were gonna move here. Yeah,

Speaker 2:

I have. But I had never been to Charleston. I, I had heard about it, but we weren't putting that on the map of like, yeah, this could be the spot. It was definitely God's prompting.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. We were between a few different places. Like we knew we were supposed to move. We just didn't pinpoint it. Um, right away. It took us a little bit of time. But then once we came down here, friends of ours who lived down here were like, you know what? Just come down, stay with us, check things out. And we did, we brought the kids with us. Malachi was only, I think like nine months, 10 months at the time, him, um, you know, mercy was three, our little three year old. So we came down for a long weekend and we scoped things out. And I think by the second day we both were like, this is where we're supposed to be.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. There was just extreme peace and tranquility and just the calmness over the whole experience. I mean, I'm thinking back, uh, just this episode we did on October 2nd, 2020, if not now, then when, and it was an episode that we talked about when it comes to having the desire to start something new. And it's funny and unique how we, um, we just kind of walked into this, this whole progression and then it was, whoa, how are we gonna do this? And I remember the drive home. Yeah. I was looking out the window and saying, I don't know how we're gonna do this. This is weird. I and doubt freaked in. And like, that's what I want everyone to hear tonight too. And, and this morning, and today and this afternoon, and you're listening to this, whatever, say that humorously, but also cuz it's the truth. I don't know when you're gonna listen to it, but you're gonna listen cause you're gonna be, oh, they finally put something out. What they gonna talk about? Hey Matthew 6 34. That's the verse for tonight. So we're sitting, we're driving on the I 95. I'm looking out the window. Like how's this gonna happen? I don't even know. That's starting to hit me. And as we're talking and I'm looking out the window, Melissa was driving the truck and I was sitting in the passenger seat giving the whole thing. I might have had my feet up. I was just like, man, looking out the window, thinking how's this gonna work? And all of a sudden this car dries by with a license plate that says, Matthew 6 34, here we go. Folks. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own boom. When that hit me, it was just the holy spirit confirmation that God was in this for me to stop trying to figure it out just as this podcast was originated and founded based upon our story. Yeah. And trying not to figure out how we were gonna to meet our puzzle piece, our, our spouse, one another, how we were gonna come together. When we let go and gave it to God, he let us to each other. And similarly, God let us down this road in a different level of faith and said, Hey, I want you to leave a thriving ministry, a community and family in New York. And trust me and follow me. And I want you to go to Charleston, South Carolina.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. I mean, it's been an incredible journey. And if I think I kind of laugh at this, if someone would've said to us, you know, five years ago that you're going to move to the south and this is gonna happen and that's gonna happen, I would've laughed. I would've thought like this is crazy. There's no way we didn't, you know, I thought maybe eventually we might move years down the line. Yeah. But I didn't think it would be this soon, but you know, God's timing is his timing. It's not ours. And we can't try to figure it out cuz we never will. Cuz his thoughts are so much greater than ours. But you know, going back to when my dad got sick, if you guys listened to that episode last year or excuse me, he got sick in 2020. Um, we thought we were gonna be Mo moving to Las Vegas. Yes. Right. To help him out. Cuz we didn't know that how his journey was gonna be to get better. Um, and thank God he, you know, God performed a miracle within him. So we were even obedient back then to say, you know what? We don't wanna up to Las Vegas. But if we're called to there to take care of my dad and to help, then we'll go. So we were willing then. And it's just crazy how my dad was healed and the Lord shut that door and was like, Nope, that's not where I want you. You served your purpose there. Now this is where I want you. And we've had so many confirmations. I mean, for being to down here, we've met so many just amazing people. We've already really gained a small community already. And we've only been here for a few months and it's been, uh, it's been really wonderful.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. And I have to say one of our favorite pastors from our home church who, uh, is now not far from here in North Carolina, um, pastor rich Colling Ridge who we love. I remember him always reminding us as missionaries and, and those of us that are going after like the deeper things for the kingdom and for God's, uh, will in our life. He said, just go when God tells you to go, go. Yeah. And that's really our encouragement for you guys. Like just go from our friends that are serving overseas as missionaries to people here in the United States. You know, if God is pursing it in your heart to go, he's gonna lay out the blueprint and the plan sometimes as you take those steps of faith. And um, as my brother, Craig Grossen will say it strengthens your faith muscles, you know, as well. When we, um, when we step out in faith, our faith muscles get stronger. So encouragement for you guys. We love you guys a little more namedropping tonight than usual, but I just also want you to know that there's so many people that are running the race with you and you're not alone as you make these decisions. And we co-labor in prayer for all of you that listen, let us know your prayer request. Let us know how these episodes impacted you in the past. And we hope that they continue to encourage you as you listen to them going forward.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we thank you guys so much. So that's the message tonight. When God says go, you go have faith and walk in faith.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. We love you guys. We can't wait to sh share more on this adventure.

Speaker 1:

See you soon. Hey guys, thanks so much for listening to the puzzle's real podcast. Please subscribe today and share with the friend. See you soon.