The Puzzle Is Real

Minivan or Pickup Truck?

Matt & Melissa Pisani Season 1 Episode 26

Listen to Matt & Melissa as they discuss the top of MOTHERHOOD! Some comical/serious Q&A about what it means to be a Mom, Mama or Madre?!


Speaker 1:

Welcome to the puzzle is real podcast where we will be discussing faith, family, and relationships hosted by Matt and Melissa Pisani. This is the puzzle is real.

Speaker 2:

Alright, here we are. We are live puzzle is real special motherhood episode. We've got Malakai with us today and this is a real good one because we always have people say, how do you guys do this? How do you do this with, with kids, young kids. So I wanted to ask Melissa.

Speaker 1:

Yes. What would you like to ask me?

Speaker 2:

I'd like to ask you a few questions for her mother questions. All right. This is like a game show style here. So there's a couple of answers. You can give question. Number one, most important for a mother of a infant and toddler, those ages, sleep food shower.

Speaker 1:

Oh my goodness. Most important. I have to pick one. Well, I mean, food obviously is very important, but if I have, you know, sleep is actually very important and these days I don't get much of it. I get it when I can. Cause Malakai is 18 months old almost. And he still does not sleep through the night. So I am very tired most of the time, but I feel like God gives mothers so much strength when they are in the thick of it. So I got to pick to sleep and food.

Speaker 2:

All right. So you're going for a and B. All right. Question number two 20 minutes to yourself. What do you do?

Speaker 1:

Oh man. 20 minutes to myself. Oh, wow. I don't even know what I would do cause I never get that. Um, oh man. It's so different because when you're a mom, your priorities change. So if I had 20 minutes to myself, I would probably be cleaning or organizing or journaling. I haven't journaled in so long. So I would probably journal if I had 20 minutes on interrupted to myself, that's probably what I do.

Speaker 2:

Okay. That's a good answer. All right. Biggest myth of motherhood. What's the biggest myth. Something that you were told pre mom, maybe even pre marriage about motherhood that you're like, oh, that was a myth.

Speaker 1:

Oh man. There's so many. But one that sticks out is it's never going to be the same. You're never going to get sleep. It's not going to be as fun. You know, I feel like these things are spoken into my life. Um, not from everybody, but some people and their kids. Once you have kids. Oh, everything changes. Yes, of course. Everything does change because now you have children, but you have to put things into perspective. It changes in such a beautiful way because now your focus is not only on yourself and your husband or significant other it's now on your children. So it just changes everything. And I think the most beautiful way it's complicated. It's messy. It's dirty, but it's the thing. And I would not change it for the world. I wouldn't.

Speaker 2:

What do you like to be called mom? Madre or mama?

Speaker 1:

I still love the mama.

Speaker 2:

That seems to be a popular one these days.

Speaker 1:

It's the mama. Cause that's still little and cute. Like sometimes mercy will be like mama, if she's serious, she'll be like mommy. So I still like the mom.

Speaker 2:

All right. Couple more questions here. Okay. Minivan or pickup trucks.

Speaker 1:

Oh, pickup truck every day. Never minivan. Sorry to all the minivan. Minivan. Moms

Speaker 2:

Jazzercise or CrossFit? CrossFit. Okay. Joyce Meyer or Danielle Steele. Gotcha. It's a trick question. All right. So this has been a lot of fun here. And so what about let's as a fun way to end this like words of encouragement for our listeners, young women that aren't married yet, or maybe they're waiting for that first baby? Like what are some things you can give them as far as what to look forward to? Um, where is the promise? Truth, love, encouragement to our female listeners that are like, oh man, like I'm not there yet. Like, but you are

Speaker 1:

All right. Well, the thing that I always speak into my friends, wives who are married and waiting for children is enjoy the moment you were in right now. Enjoy the season that you're in right now because you know what? It's going to change so quickly. And you're going to look back and you're going to miss those times. Like sometimes I miss the time like me and Matt will say we had so much time to do things free time, but now it's like, we're so involved with our kids and just everything else going on. So my advice is enjoy the moment. Don't think about tomorrow. Don't think about yesterday. Think about the now that's so important to stay in the now and to appreciate the season God has called you in right now.

Speaker 2:

That's good. That's good. Very cool. Malakai. Thanks for being a part of this episode. He's here holding Mercy's fishing rod For the line. Where's the line

Speaker 1:

You said hi. Can you say bye-bye? Oh, he said, bye. Bye he's waving everybody. Well, we thank you guys for listening. This was a fun, quick hit. Next week. I don't know, could be a dad questions or it could be something else. We will keep you in suspense.

Speaker 2:

Hey, stay tuned. Thanks for sharing our podcast on apple iTunes. I believe it's on the podcast app. There feel free to shoot us a review or a like, or dislike. We love all the feedback. And if you get a chance, share it with a friend soon. I know that we're getting a lot of cool praise reports and just words of affirmation coming our way to keep doing this. And we will continue. The mission continues. Veeva. That puzzle is real.

Speaker 1:

See you guys soon. Hey guys, thanks so much for listening to the is real podcast. Please subscribe today and share with a friend. See you soon.