The Puzzle Is Real

Revival Starts With ME

Matt & Melissa Pisani Season 1 Episode 39

Could you imagine a worldwide Revival for God? Join Matt and Melissa as they discuss some ways to spark Revival in your community.


Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Puzzle is Real podcast where we will be discussing faith, family, and Relationships hosted by Matt and Melissa Pisani. This is The Puzzle is Real podcast when you know, you know

Speaker 2:

We are back. Here we are.

Speaker 3:

Hey y'all.

Speaker 2:

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood. It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood. Won't you be, won't you be, won't you be my podcast friend?

Speaker 3:

Of course, yes. So Triple Msms are here right now. I'm saying triple M's, cuz we got baby mags with us today

Speaker 2:

Or today or Noia is becoming a podcaster at the age of two months.

Speaker 3:

She's two months. I can't believe it.

Speaker 2:

Baby. Podcast ideas are already being like imparted into her little brain, into her mind of she's just, oh, podcasts about baby things,<laugh>. But the only thing is she can't speak the English language yet, so it'll be really unique.

Speaker 3:

She just knows the sounds of our voices, so it's soothing to her.

Speaker 2:

But think about it, cutting edge, actually soothing baby podcasts. Yeah. I don't know if that's a market out there for anyone.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

On a serious more important note. Have you been seeing what's going on in our country when it is discussed about revival on the news, the newspaper?

Speaker 3:

Yes. There is lots of

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Worship popping up, just people going after the heart of God at universities across this country. And certain places are getting more traction than others, but we know that God is doing something awesome right now. And we wanna go into that a little bit in this episode.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. The Asbury University revival has really sparked a lot of interest. A lot of people saying, well, I want that to happen here where I live, or I wanna see that happen in the great state of dot, dot dot. And we thought it'd be really fun to do a faith episode today to discuss what it means to spark revival. I know for years, like it was like you'd be in a church and so like, and I'm praying for revival and everyone would get all like Yeah. Revival. Yeah. And you know, for all my charismatics out there, holler at your boy. We get excited about that stuff. Pentecostals, evangelicals. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. And I'm just having fun. We love all of our listeners and we love whatever denomination you are following. Jesus. It's all about the word of God. And then obviously we can have conversations about everything else, the revival. And I believe revival is starring in our country because things are crazy here.

Speaker 3:

You think

Speaker 2:

This isn't a political podcast. So I will move away from refrain from going down that rabbit hole, um, the reawakening of religious fervor, especially by means of a series of evangelistic meetings. So that was a little dictionary review that we had before Melissa and I were looking up different definitions of revival and man, a reawakening of religious fervor. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. Now we know that following Jesus is not being religious by any means, it's relationship. But there's something to be said about a reawakening of the church. What would that look like? Like today, like right now, college kids worship in Jesus. Mm-hmm.<affirmative> at Asbury University, drawing people into a deeper conversation. Older major news networks are covering this from time to time. There's an interest. People are drawn to the light while sitting in a very dark world.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. And I think it's going to happen with the younger generation. Yeah. I think that we sometimes get so caught up in what the media is telling us about the generation, you know, that's coming up and just how lost and confused and there is truth to that. But there also is so much light, um, that you see coming out of that generation and just so much hunger. And I think the Lord is just using that right now, um, in universities, in these places that are liberal and, you know, just create division. But we are seeing unity. We are seeing faith arise. And it's a really beautiful thing. And it's just, you know, we also were talking earlier just about, um, where does revival start? Right? Like, where does that start? Is it one person? Is it a group? Is it in your home, in your community, in your school? And it really boils down to, it starts with each individual person. You have to have that hunger and that fire in your heart to spark revival because just like a little spark creates a flame, right? Yeah. It's that same effect. So if that one person creates this spark and then people start catching that fire and then it turns into this revival, and right now you're seeing those little sparks around the world just kind of being ignited and you're seeing just the power of God just working. And, um, you know, we keep praying about like, what does that look like in our town? What does that look like for us? And you know, it doesn't have to be this elaborate thing that you do. It's not like a big worship event. It, it's just an organic thing that happens. Maybe it's in your small group, maybe it's in, you know, your school. Maybe it's in your home. Um, maybe it's just you with you and a, a friend. Like, we don't know what that looks like because God can do anything as long as we're willing and able and are open to what he has planned for us.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. There was this song like, man, I am I really dating myself? Am I getting old? There was a song called Starts With Me by Tim Timmons. Oh, I feel like this song was just yesterday and it was, it was basically like you're my revivals song. You know? Um, and I'm probably butchering the lyrics, but it's all about it starting with me. And it looks like that song is already, isn't already nine years old. I don't know if it's that I'm, I'm just, uh, probably we're old. Yeah. We're, you know, time keeps flying by. So that, that song is all about like us again, you know, really going into that deeper time with God and allowing it to, um, you know, be a sacred moment, you know, where he can stir in a revival. And that's a pretty powerful song if you ever get to listen to Tim, Tim and shout out to him wherever he's at, and, um, sort of write more music. There's a, a couple things that I, I think about too. It's like a lot of people, and we get this, not everybody knows like what to do. Like, well, how do I stir revival? I don't have anyone to tell me like, what are the steps? And it's not really a self-help guidebook, but I'll tell you some things that have worked for us, and Melissa will tell you some things as well that I'll probably miss. But one thing is, um, daily act of time in prayer. And a lot of times people think prayer. Like, I don't have time for that. How, how could I even do that? And it's, it's throughout the day engaging and reconnecting with God, sitting with him wherever it is that you can just be quiet with him. And sometimes not just praying to him about like the laundry list of things that you want him to, uh, answer, right. Or show you on, like reveal things to you. But just pray for revival. Like literally spend some time with God revival over my town, my city, my state, our country, or the other country if you're not in our country, if you're in another country in the world. And also there's just this idea that praying throughout the day, like, like don't just be like, well I got my prayers outta the way this morning and that's it. Like you can talk and communicate with God throughout the day. And I think that's a really important part too, when we're looking to activate and really allow the Holy Spirit to revive us so that we can be a conduit, a um, a vessel right, to spark revival. It really does start with us. So it's important that we do that every day and throughout the day. And then reading our Bible, if you have one or if you have the Bible app, you don't have to read always chapters at a time. There's a difference between doing a study on a specific book in the Bible and saying, all right, I'm gonna just like dive into Ephesians chapter three and I'm gonna read that, uh, a few times over. I feel led to read Galatians three. I feel led to read Colossians three. I'm just going in threes right now. Um, it could be any of these books, right, where you just say, all right, I'm gonna like take a chunk of it, but the living word of God is gonna saturate us and nourish us and direct us a lot of cool ways that we can revive ourself. Really important.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. And I think also I just had this thought, it's like I'm just praying for revival within marriages and within families because I think when you have solid relationships that start, um, just with that godly foundation with marriages, that creates just this rock that is solid. And we don't have that in our country. I think people dismiss marriage and they wanna get rid of the nuclear family. And you know, if you look at societies where the mom and dad are together, so much more is brought to life because of that. And just there's so much more promise for our children when they have that stability of a mother and a father because yeah, you need that dynamic. That's right. Yeah. Not that the man can't do something, you know, if it so happens that, you know, there's a single mom or single dad out there, not saying that you can't pour into that child, but there's just something about having that female and male influence in that child's life. Um, so I'm praying for that, for just marriage and family revival. And I think that creates just a, a powerful society and um, you know, when two or more are bonded like that, like, um, what is it? The three strands, right? Yeah. Um, but yeah, so that, that's just been on my heart is marriage and family, I guess because I've been home with the kids<laugh> so much and just seeing just their precious little spirits and their little, uh, personalities and just knowing that it's just important that they have the mom and the dad, you know, when Matt comes back home from work, um, you know, just seeing like our little family together in mercy sometimes would be like, ah, it's family time. We're all together. There's just something really special about that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. And I think that's also important to remind each listener that if you have kids, like they can stir up revival in us, right? They could challenge us in a lot of ways. Whether your kids are going to the schools locally, the public schools where there's an afterschool bible club. I think that's a really powerful place. I mean, I've, I've had the privilege of Cohen to some Bible clubs years ago and seeing students, how they engage in how they worship God in their school and of course community fellowship, big moments, times of worship, corporately outside of even the church buildings, small groups, all things that can stir revival. I would end with this journaling and sharing with God. Yeah, yeah. Your, your heart for revival and specifically that cuz you could look back on your journal date mm-hmm.<affirmative> and like, wow, remember when I prayed for revival in right the middle of Schenectady, New York. And then all of a sudden you find, oh wow, Schenectady in New York is having some crazy revival. Or Oh wow, there was a, a revival in Austin, Texas. We never would've saw that coming. Mm-hmm<affirmative>. So I think that's really important that we journal these things, we speak to God and then we listen a lot of times when we journal, it can be easy to just keep going, but sometimes you just have to stop and uh, say, all right God, what do you have to say about this? And, and you may not always, um, get the answer right away, but but's sit with him and, and spend time waiting on him. And then of course, godly music, it's really nice to enter into a time of prayer and worship with some godly music. There's a lot of different artists nowadays, many more to choose from than some of us that grew up in the eighties and nineties. So tap into that. Take advantage of those moments cuz, cuz you can build an altar for that time with God and he will speak into that vision, that prophetic word that he has for you. Or maybe even just a confirmation of how you can be that stirring of revival in your neck of the woods.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. And it's just, it's exciting to see what's happening in our country and, um, just excited to see what God's gonna do through this and just how it's getting national exposure. I mean, they showed it, I think on cnn, Fox News, um, you know, regular local channels. It's just, it's amazing to see that the power of God is being shown on such a public platform. And this is only the beginning. We know that the days are dark, but God's light is so much brighter and I'm just excited to see what he's gonna do. So we just, we thank you guys for listening as always and just really pray about how you can start the revival in your heart and with your quiet time and just ask God every day, what do you want me to do today to spark revival? And take it from there and he'll do the rest. We love you guys. We will talk to you soon and, uh, share with a friend. Encourage someone today.

Speaker 1:

Hey guys, thanks so much for listening to the Puzzle Israel podcast. Please subscribe today and share with a friend. See you soon.