The Puzzle Is Real

The Next To Do

Matt & Melissa Pisani Season 1 Episode 29

Have you ever created a daily "To Do" list and felt torn in different directions? Join Matt & Melissa Pisani as they discuss becoming available for what God wants "TO DO" each day if we are ready and willing to listen.


Speaker 1:

Welcome to the puzzle is real podcast where we will be discussing faith, family, and relationships hosted by Matt and Melissa Pisani. This is the puzzle is real podcast. When you know, you know, what's up, everybody,

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

How you doing?

Speaker 2:

Yo? Was that was that was

Speaker 1:

We back for another episode? We on a roll, hopefully you guys enjoyed our latest episode and got you up to speed on what we've been up to. And

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I liked it.

Speaker 1:

You liked it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. I really enjoyed listening to us.

Speaker 1:

You like listening to your, could

Speaker 2:

You imagine if everyone was tuning in like, man, like what, what are these? Yeah, we just love listening to ourselves. No, no, I did not actually like most people, I would say most people, we all are like, oh man, my voice sounds weird. Like it's like an insecurity when you hear yourself recorded.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Or when you watch a video of yourself and you're like, wait, that's the face I make, right?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah. Cause it feels different than what it may, will look

Speaker 2:

Like. Exactly. So here we are. Here we are. We are, uh, gonna talk about something really awesome today, the next to do

Speaker 1:

What is the next to do. So that could be like the next to do where it's like, whoa, I need to try that. That's the next to do? Or it's like you're todo list, right? Like you have the list, you're checking things off. That's your next to do? There's like honey do lists, right? If you're married and you have a husband and say, honey, I need you to do these. And that's his honey to dos. Um, but yeah, so that's what we wanna talk about today on this episode is our, our to do is more important than one go, wants to do through you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Yeah. So, Hey man, shout out to the fathers out there or just the guys that have a, to do list, right? We always have a list, things that we gotta get done. So I got early, straight up this morning, said I'm gonna go and get me some good fertile for the, for the side, for the front yard, for our, our house here. And I wanted to go get all the stuff, they call it a treatment plan, whatever that means. Anyway, I got it. Did my next thing went to Costco for the first time as a member, got my membership card. Boom to-do list, check checky, check, come home, feeling good. Wanna see my boo, wanna see the kids. But before I did that, I hit the old fertilizer spreader, cardio, Melissa, new he's in the zone.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. I was like, all right, I'm gonna unload the truck. He's in the zone. I see him pushing that little, the wheelbarrow thing around with fertilizer. I

Speaker 2:

Gotta beat the rain hon

Speaker 1:

He's in his landscaping mode. Yeah. I

Speaker 2:

Gotta beat the, gotta beat the rain. So, um, I'm doing it. And I hear these gentlemen who are on our block. They were doing some work in the neighborhood and I hear one of them say something about you should be on the Christian bachelor. And I said to myself, did that guy just say the Christian bachelor and right away, I'm like, huh, interesting. So I continue doing my duties on the front yard and just sweeping things up. Now I'm sweeping up the, the extra stuff from the fertilizer. And I'm like, man, I feel like I'm supposed to talk to these guys about Jesus and see like where they're at and ask them like what they meant by that. And if I heard it correctly, cuz you know, your, your ears can play tricks on you, especially in these situations. So Melissa didn't know anything yet, but she knew I was up to something cuz I was out there for a while. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Like what is he doing out there?

Speaker 2:

So this gentlemen I'm like, you know, I'm in my head. Has anyone ever been in that situation where you're like, well, if they just walk like five feet closer, then I'll make my move. Right? Like when can I make my move? Right. And this guy was across the street. Right. And I'm thinking, I gotta make my move. Finally. I don't know how it came, but he knows if he's listening, I'm not gonna blast him with his name. Cuz the guy was awesome. And I really enjoyed speaking to him, but I said, Hey, are you, um, are you and your buddy talking about a Christian bachelor? And, and he started chuckling a laugh. And he is like, oh yeah, like we joke around. And, and this young guy was, um, telling me that he's praying for his wife and he, you know, and the other guy was encouraging him. And, and I said, oh, you're, you're a Christian. You're a man of God. And he's like, yeah. And we just started talking about our faith and just right there, boom, my whole to-do list got thrown out the window. Everything that I had prioritized, the agenda that I had was so much different than God's agenda. So my challenge today is to say, Hey, are you willing to let go of your agenda and remove your to-do list? Um, you know, your to-do list can make yourself sometimes busy and distracted from what God will want you to be available to do. Right. There are things that he has for us to do on a daily basis. And I am so guilty of this at times where like, I just don't wanna like pay attention something like, ah, I wanna gotta get this stuff done. And today was a battle fleshly battle. Cause I knew I had to get in the house and had been out all morning doing my to-do list and I wanted to get to the next thing. And then God will bless me with this divine appointment.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. And I think another thing is like we, can't also beat ourselves up like say if we miss an opportunity or miss a, you know, a witnessing moment for those believers who are out there, it's like, we can't beat ourselves up, but we can be in tune with the holy spirit and say, you know what, if my heart's pounding and I know I'm supposed to talk to this person and God's giving that prompting, even if you are in that busy moment, God's gonna multiply your time. He's gonna multiply what you need to get done. So I think the next to do is to listen to, you know, the holy spirit and to just be guided by him because, you know, for example, Mercy's in ballet now and after ballet usually take her to the bathroom. I had seen one of the moms in there before, you know, we quickly just say hello, but I had overheard a conversation that she was having about homeschooling. And I could just tell that she, um, had a lot of similarities that we have cuz we are also gonna be homeschooling our children. So we were in the bathroom one week said quick, hello, the next week. I'm like, all right. You know, if we see her again, maybe we'll say something. So I see her again, we start talking. I was like, Hey, did you say that you homeschool? And so we quickly started talking and her daughter's name is faith and it's just so sweet cuz we have mercy and then she has faith and um, yes. Anyway, so it kind of opened up the conversation for us to realize, Hey, we're both Christians, we're moms, we're doing the same things. And it's just that fellowship moment too. So it's not only are we looking for that witnessing moment. It's also that community that you could find so much in common with the person, if you just listen and you're aware of your surroundings and you're hearing the conversations that you're like, Hey into that too, we should talk. And so it was just, it was just a, a sweet moment and another wink because we actually have been texting each other just saying like, oh, we're so thankful we found each other. And um, that our daughters get along so well. So it's just, God puts people in front of you, but we just have to be open and willing to open our mouth sometimes and say, Hey you, you know, and just start the conversation.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. And I think it's also like, how does God view our to-dos right? Like, yeah, they're important to him. And I truly believe he values the things that we think are important, but like Melissa said, he's the master of time. So he can exponentially, you know, increase what you need to get done as you continue to focus on what he has for you. And I, I think of even just our, uh, our, our senior pastor who I love pastor, pastor Z in New York, who used to always say something along the lines, as, you know, as, as you, you know, wait and, and sit with him and, and, and the longer that you sit with him, the stronger you get. And another words like sometimes even just starting our day, sitting with him, getting stronger, you know, sitting longer will get you that strength and make you stronger. And it's like, when we do those things, it's, it's similar to when he actually wants us to go out and apply it. Like he's gonna multiply that time and make up for it when you sacrifice and are just willing to just be his vessel on a day to day basis.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's true. And I think, you know, one Bible verse that kind of ties into what we're talking about and just to set the scene, you know, Jesus is in, um, the room and Mary decides to just sit with him and just be in his presence. And Martha is so concerned about getting all the things done that she needs to get done and she's upset and she's worried. And you know, all these few feelings that are not of God and it's, I'll read it to you just so you get the idea. So it's Luke 10 41 through 42, Martha, Martha, the Lord answered you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed or indeed only one Mary has chosen what is better and it will not be taken away from her. So he clearly states that Mary who decide to just sit with Jesus and just to be in his presence is gonna be blessed. So it's not about the to-dos and you know, the getting upset, no, I gotta do this, this and this. And listen, we're, we're human. We're not perfect. We're gonna get caught up in the to-dos, right? Because we're in the world. We're not supposed to be of this world, but we're in this world. So we have those battles with the flesh. So it's our job. And our mission is Christians to just say, wait, we need to only be still because you know what God is with us and he's going to be for us and he is gonna guide us. Um, but yeah, so the next to do so next time you get overwhelmed by your list that you have just remember to keep your eyes and ears open for what God has during those to-dos. Um, and they could be mundane things, but you know what? They're all serving the Lord and you're doing it for him. And, um, yeah, I hope that's. I hope that makes sense to you guys.

Speaker 2:

He wants to use you guys and girls just be ready in willing.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It. We love you guys.

Speaker 1:

Talk to you soon. See you. Hey guys. Thanks so much for listening to the puzzle is real podcast. Please subscribe today and share with the friend. See you soon.